Please see disclaimer below:
*Before using online coaching, make sure that you are cleared to exercise by a physician. By using this coaching you are agreeing that you understand the risks associated with exercise and hold harmless Wauchope Wellness from the risks associated with exercise that include, but are not limited to, sprains, muscle pulls, heart attack and death. Refunds are not available, if you do not adhere to the program, we cannot force you to get results. Results vary due to the vast variables that exist around a training program, we cannot control what you do out of the time of your session with Wauchope Wellness. When communicating with me, please try to keep the messages brief and relevant. The longer messages are the harder it will be for me to respond in time, this is why I recommend check-in calls and live sessions so we can fully discuss any issues at length. I have a very busy schedule trying to provide the most value I can via creating videos for me to teach you in your online coaching, as well as programming & assessing movement, therefore I cannot always answer messages promptly. I work hard to bring you video explainers and tutorials so you don't have to pay 1-1 for this advise. I am always working to increase value & efficiency. If you ask for or checkout with an instalment plan you are thereby committing to pay the selected plan in its entirety subject to a £50 late fee or change of date fee.
Many thanks,